Home » Income Reports » Food Blog Income Report – 3rd Quarter 2024

Food Blog Income Report – 3rd Quarter 2024

Dive into my 3rd quarter income report to learn all about my profit, expenses, and traffic, and find out what I’m currently up to! I share my income reports to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to run Midwest Foodie as a flexible career that brings in a multi-six-figure income! My hope is to legitimize food blogging as a viable career and show you that it’s totally possible to live your dream!

Graphic showing: 3rd quarter incoem report 2024 $117,686.


If you’re new here, start with my previous income reports to see how I built this site from the ground up in 2017!

Let’s look at the stats for July, August, and September of 2024!


July 2024


August 2024


September 2024


Traffic Sources

July 2024

August 2024

September 2024

3rd Quarter Income Total: $117,686

July 2024

Amazon Associates$229
Pinterest E-Book$679
Affiliate Income$454
Total Income$33,524

August 2024

Amazon Associates$327
Pinterest E-Book$291
Affiliate Income$62
Total Income$33,531

September 2024

Amazon Associates$291
Pinterest E-Book$485
Affiliate Income$45
Total Income$50,631

Monthly RPM/RPS

RPM (sessions)$51.87$52.10$72.03
RPM (pageviews)$42.80$42.56$55.40

Total Expenses $8,530

Monthly Recurring Expenses $1,230

Microsoft One Drive$6
Peach Perfect Financials
Deep Roots Hosting

Other Expenses $7,300

Groceries: $752
New Theme: $249
iMark Interactive: $1,198
Props: $574
Tailwind: $156
Siftr: $22
Content Creator’s Collective: $10
Tasty Recipes: $79
Tasty Links: $29
Yoast Premium: $99
NerdPress: $1,471
Photographer: $2,661

Profit $109,156


Please note that this “profit” does not consider the taxes I will pay. For example, my 3rd quarter estimated taxes were almost $25,000 in September! It’s easy to look at these numbers and think the profits from blogging are great (which they are!) but it’s also important to remember that taxes come along and take about 20-30%.

Expenses Breakdown

  • Tailwind: I’m still using Tailwind for Pinterest as I have been for years. And I’m still getting lots of traffic from Pinterest! As you can see in August my social traffic (which is 98% Pinterest) was about the same as my organic. But in September, social edged out organic and is now my leading traffic source. For reference, my ad revenue in September was $29,172 from Pinterest and $11,919 from Google. Pinterest is not dead, the RPMs from Pinterest are super high right now, and if you’re ready for more traffic in Q4, download my e-book now!
  • New Theme: I finally broke up with Feast and switched to Create! So far I’m loving the fresh new look!
  • iMark Interactive: Grayson Bell from iMark Interactive set up my new site for me and got everything switched over. The cost for that was $799. He also redesigned my category pages for $399. In my opinion, it was worth every penny. He and his team were very responsive and accommodated all of my picky requests 🙂
  • Photographer: I’m working towards publishing 3 recipes a week so I’ve hired a photographer who is shooting 4 recipes a month for me so that I have more time to work on other things. Although photographing and editing are some of my favorite parts of blogging, I recognize that I’ll get some time back by outsourcing at least a portion of it!

What I’ve Been Up To

  • Consultations. I’ve started offering 1:1 blogging consultations! It’s been so fun to connect with other bloggers. If you want an hour to chat with me, book your session today by emailing me or reaching out on Instagram! You’ll have an hour to ask any blogging-related questions and I’ll also review your Pinterest page as well. Also included in the consultation is my Pinterest e-book – for free! Consults are $297/hour and I do have some limited availability for recurring monthly appointments if you want more of a regular touch base.
  • Branding. I’m working my way through Katie’s Foodie Brand Lab course and it’s amazing! She has YEARS of branding experience for some of the biggest brands in the world – literally. She knows her stuff and she does a really great job explaining branding in a way that’s easy to understand. It’s totally changed my approach to my blog and has me thinking in a completely different way now. I still have to finish working my way through the course but so far I am L-O-V-I-N-G it! The course is currently closed but I can get you in right now with this link – which also gives you $50 off the course!! If you’re looking for a more personalized branding experience where Katie and her team do the heavy lifting for you, she also offers a couple tiers of Brand Boosts.
  • Keywords. After completing part of the branding course I mentioned above, I’m moving away from chasing keywords and thinking more about what my readers like and what recipes make sense for Midwest Foodie. It’s been really freeing to think outside of the box when creating recipes and not having to build my editorial calendar around keywords. My creative juices have been flowing like crazy and I’m testing all kinds of new recipes. I feel reinvigorated and really excited about what the future holds for Midwest Foodie!

My Pinterest E-Book

If you’re looking for the tried and true strategy that has gotten me where I am today, be sure to check out my Pinterest e-book!

  • This e-book will help you develop a quick, easy, and simple Pinterest strategy to drive consistent traffic to your site in JUST 20 MINUTES A WEEK!
  • This e-book is ideal for those who prefer to work at their own pace. This is not a Pinterest course. It’s not going to take you days or weeks to work through.
  • It’s loaded with screenshots and images to help clarify the concepts that you’re learning and is geared toward those who already have a basic understanding of Pinterest, Tailwind, and Canva.

As always, thank you for reading! None of this would be possible without you 🙂 And don’t forget to check out my previous income reports for more behind-the-scenes info!

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