Food Blog Income Report May 2020
It’s still not “business as usual” around here right now. And I don’t think that it should be. The racial injustices that are happening in the Black community across the country deserve center stage right now. I shared with you in my latest post our experience raising our beautiful Black daughter as White parents. And shared with you what our family is personally doing now and will continue to do going forward, in an effort to create a world where the Black community is no longer devalued because of the color of their skin.
I realize and acknowledge that there are more important things happening in the world right now than my income reports or recipe posts, but I urge you to remember that many of us are feeding our family’s with the money we make from providing these free recipes and posts on our blogs. And since I QUIT MY JOB in May – making this blog our main source of income – that has never been more true for our family! I’ll share more on that later though…

The month of May brought Midwest Foodie it’s highest amount of traffic yet!
Pageviews: 581,361
Sessions: 461,571
Users: 356,326
Traffic Sources:
Social: 62.62%
> Pinterest: 96.15%
> Buzzfeed: 1.97%
> Facebook: 1.54%
> Instagram: .17%
Organic: 23.91%
Direct: 10.61%
Referral: 2.79%
Other: .06%
Looking back on where I was at this time last year – in May of 2019, I had 51,823 page views with 41,044 sessions and 33,386 users. It’s exciting to see how much progress my blog has made since last year.
You will notice a new source of income listed below this month. That’s right, friends – I officially switched to AdThrive!!! I switched from Mediavine to AdThrive on May 14th. So my income with Mediavine was from May 1-14 (half the day) and my income with AdThrive from May 14 (the other half of the day)-May 31. I did have a bit of a spike in traffic around the middle of the month (just after switching to AdThrive), but other than that my traffic remained pretty consistent each day. So far, I am LOVING AdThrive. You can see that I made more than double what I made with Mediavine in the first half of the month. I am serving readers with fewer ads and making more money. Only time will tell if this was a good decision, but so far I am really happy that I made the switch.
- Mediavine: $1,819.83
- average RPM (sessions) of $9.87 from May 1-13
- average RPM (pageviews) of $8.07 from May 1-13
- AdThrive: $4,040.96
- average RPM (sessions) of $15.43 from May 18-31
- avergae RPM (pageviews) of $12.13 from May 18-31
- Freelance Photography: $3,525.00
- Amazon Associates: $138.87
TOTAL PROFIT: $9,524.66
This month we decided to donate $1000 from our profits to organizations that support anti-racism and the Black community. This is one of the immediate actions that those who want to help can take. Some may think we didn’t donate enough. And others may think that we donated a lot. And still, others will wonder why we shared the amount that we donated. As you can see from my income report, I believe in being transparent when it comes to money. It doesn’t have to be a hush-hush, off-limits topic. I urge you to donate if you feel called to do so and can afford it. These are the organizations that we chose to donate to this month:
- Reclaim the Block: $250 + $8.32 for processing fees
- Styles4Kidz: $250 + $6.25 for processing feeds
- The Loveland Foundation: $250 + $12.55 for processing fees
- Black Visions Collective: $250 + $8.32 for processing fees
We are planning to continue donating each month to an organization run by people of color or benefiting the Black community. I will keep you posted on where we donate next month and welcome any suggestions you may have for us!
Groceries: $200
Nerdpress (site maintenance): $122
Agathon (hosting): $70
ConvertKit (email service): $49
Canva (graphics for Pinterest): $13
Gsuite (email provider): $12
Lightroom (photo editing): $11
Tailwind (Pinterest scheduler): $10
Akismet (site security): $5
KeySearch Subscription: $8.50
New Props: $50
PROFIT: $7,938.72
- Like I mentioned above, I quit my job!! Can you believe it?! Cause I still can’t really. I had my last day just a few days ago so it still seems a bit surreal to be honest. The whole pandemic has really put things in perspective for me and just a few weeks into quarantine/isolation, I quickly realized how much my day-to-day anxiety had diminished. Like, almost non-existent. Of course, during the first few weeks of isolation, I was feeling all the feels of regular anxiety, ya know, about a freaking WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC. But my day-to-day constant, nagging anxieties were at an all-time low. Like the lowest, they’ve been in 4 years. I couldn’t ignore the fact that this was likely directly correlated to not working at my day job.
- Of course, it’s worth mentioning that I am a hypochondriac, who also has generalized anxiety disorder. Basically, I constantly think I’m dying and little, tiny everyday things give me an enormous amount of anxiety. Like I CANNOT grocery shop because I get so dizzy and panic-stricken I feel like I’m going to pass out. And I’ve had to pull off on the highway multiple times and have my husband drive because I’m having an anxiety attack. And if we are EVER stuck in gridlocked traffic, I basically feel like I’m going to puke and I can’t breathe at the same time. Anytime I feel trapped, I panic. I am also super empathetic, so when things are happening to other people, I feel like they are happening to me. Which makes it difficult to work in the ER where many discussions and meetings are centered around sick patients’ symptoms, mortality, procedures, etc. My anxiety also exhibits itself in very physical ways which then just perpetuates my hypochondria – super fun, let me tell you!
- So anyway, compound that intense anxiety with being an Administrative Assistant in the Emergency Department and it sounds like a match made in heaven, right? While I LOVED the providers and staff that I worked with, looking back now, I can see that it was a poor fit for my mental health. BUT, when you’re adopting a newborn baby and you find a job that pays well and offers great health insurance, you take it because that is what your family needs. The hospital I worked at was amazing, my co-workers were amazing, and if I had it do all over again, I’m not sure that I’d change anything. However, it feels really great not to be having multiple, daily anxiety attacks!
- So now that I’ve severely overshared about my mental health…I’m really excited to be my own boss and work from home and get to spend more time with my family!
- My personal goals for this coming month are to do the work. Specifically to:
- Have the tough conversations with friends and family and get uncomfortable
- Look inward and try to identify ways in which I am not actively being anti-racist and work to change those mindsets
- Educate myself on ways that I can support Black-owned businesses both locally, nationally and worldwide
- Continue talking openly with our daughter about what is happening in the world, how it may affect her, and what we can do as a family
- Read more anti-racism books – I shared a few on my list in this post
- Diversify my FB and IG feeds to include more people of color and support their work regularly
- Continue to keep this movement at the forefront of my mind
- Continue to donate to organizations run by people of color or that support the Black community
- My business goals for the coming month include:
- Taking the HashtagJeff course (it comes free when you join AdThrive – which is a pretty nice perk if you ask me!)
- Trying to narrow the focus of my blog to better serve my audience
- Figuring out who my audience is and what they come to my site for
Thank you all again for your continued support. From the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate each and every one of you. And I would never have been able to get this far without your support.
Thanks so much for this post. I’ve been searching for advice on whether to go with Mediavine or AdThrive and this helped. I understand success can vary by niche (I’m a book blogger!) Are you still happy with the switch?
I am still VERY happy with AdThrive, Leslie! I would highly recommend giving it a try! You can always switch back if you don’t make more in your niche which makes switching easier as well!
Hi Kylie, great report! I’d love to know what you think helped your site grow so much in the past year. I see you have a big amount of Pinterest traffic, did you focus more there? How often do you typically post per week? Congrats on going full time and I’m so interested to hear how AdThrive turns out for you moving forward.
Honestly, I think the increase in traffic has been due to everyone being stuck at home for the last few months. I’m waiting for the bottom to drop out when everyone heads back to work, but I am enjoying the new faces while they’re here!! I do get a ton of traffic from Pinterest, but I can’t really pinpoint why. I do pin only new pins. I never re-pin anything. I don’t use group boards and I don’t use tribes. I pin about 40 pins/day. Up until March I was pinning about 100 pins a day but the Spam Safeguard in Tailwind told me to stop, so I listened 🙂 I took the Pinning Perfect course a few years ago and that really helped me with the basics of using Pinterest to drive traffic. I post 3 times a week usually but every once in a while I only get time for 2 posts. So far I am LOVING AdThrive. Very pleased with how much I’m earning, but like I said also anticipating that my traffic will return to previous levels in the future. I love your site by the way!! I reached out to Purr to see about doing a redesign for my site as well!!!
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been a great inspiration for our blog and we’re actually starting to see our income grow. Our month of May was the highest income we’ve ever seen! Thank you for being so transparent and honest, it’s super helpful. I’m so glad AdThrive seems to be working out so well and as always, I’m looking forward to your next blog post!
Thanks again!
Congratulations on your month of May! It’s such a great feeling to see your hard work paying off. Thanks so much for your kind words 🙂
Hi Kylie, Awesome, thank you for posting your income report. You did really well. This will help many bloggers question in making the decision “Should I switch?” Again, nothing against Mediavine – coz they are a great company and they are always there to help their publishers and that’s why I am so uncomfortable making the leap, but sometimes we got to do what is best for us! Like you, I am curious about Adthrive.
BTW, I love your food and your income reports are inspirational. Congrats on being a full-time blogger. Enjoy your new normal. Thank you again.
Could not agree more – Mediavine was amazing!! Every blog is so different – and ad companies will work differently for different blogs, but it’s important to do what is best for your blog. And calculated risks are a necessary part of life 🙂 I wish you all the best with your blog. Thanks so much for your kind words!
Dear Kylie, first of all I would like to remind you to never explain the need to write these informative posts (including your previous post) – you are creating awareness, which is something we ALL need right now. You talk about sources, but your posts and words itself act as sources that are helping the people around you.
Secondly, thank you for such an informative and transparent traffic and income report – you have no idea how much this helps bloggers like me, who are in the early stages of monetising their blogs. Would you mind sharing the average RPMs for both mediavine & AdThrive for the month of May? Thank you and stay safe.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sheenam. That really means a lot 🙂 Great question – YES, I will add the RPMs! I should have done that originally. Thanks for the reminder!